Today I visited Falling Water. I spent $50 on a shuttle so I didn't have to climb the crazy hills to see the house. It was everything I had imagined! The only real sign of its age is the tired looking concrete. There is a waterfall running through the house, which provides such great white noise when you open the windows. Really, just take the tour, it's hard to describe or photography the wonder and beauty of the house.

The woman who gave me a ride back to the trail told me about her goal to ride around the world - only in milage though. She was doing rides across the US until she reached the full circumference of the earth in milage. She offered for me to stay with her family that night but I refused, thinking I should at least get some miles in for the day. I rode the 10 miles to confluence and set up my tent just before a downpour started. The town of confluence was dead and I really regretted my decision to continue on. As of today I'm going to start saying yes to any safe oppertunity that presents itself. Otherwise I might forget the reason I'm on this trip - not to get around the world, but to experience it.