The hotel break in Dinwiddie really abated the tiredness I had been fighting since the beginning of the trip. I started the next day full of energy, fueled by mediocre hotel waffles and coffee. After getting back to my route, I came upon a tailwind further lifting my spirits and pushing me faster. I sped through Indiana's painfully straight roads and reached my destination by an early 1:30 PM. This was way too early to end a day in the middle of nowhere so I found a campground 15 miles further down my route. I got there before 3 PM and repeated the process until I ended up at a private campground around 5 PM (I thought about going further but the next one was 30 or so miles and I had done almost 70 miles by this time and though it was too early in the trip for a century ride). The campground turned out to be right on the Tippacanoe river and almost empty. I set up my tent, borrowed a chair, and spent the evening reading, drinking the Mead I had bought the previous day, and watching the river animals. It's amazing how good weather will improve your day.